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Fritz Mostböck

Fritz Mostböck

Head of Group Research, Erste Group

Fritz Mostboeck is a graduate of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and holds the EFFAS CEFA® and CESGA® diplomas. He is responsible for macro/fixed income, credit and equity research in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Austria. In addition, his division is responsible for the investment strategy, which mainly provides the input for Erste Group's asset allocation. Mr. Mostboeck has many years of experience in dealing with globally active institutional investors, especially those investing in Central and Eastern Europe. He is president of the OVFA (Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management, and Deputy Chairman of EFFAS (European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies,, the umbrella organization of all analyst associations with 17,000 members in Europe. He is a founding member of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance and was also Chairman of the EFFAS Commission on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance Issues) for many years, where he is still an active member. He is the author of numerous books and regularly publishes articles in financial publications and journals. He has written articles on capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as on corporate governance, ESG and corporate responsibility.
