Banka Kombëtare Tregtare
The history of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare starts from November 29th, 1925, with the establishment of the first branch in the historical building in Durrës that represents also the oldest Albanian financial institution in the country. BKT, with today’s name, was established in January 1993 by the joint venture of Banka Tregtare Shqiptare with Banka Kombëtare e Shqipërisë. BKT was registered as shareholder in 1997, and today is the largest and the oldest bank in Albania.
BKT accomplished its privatization process in the year 2000 and on June 30, 2009, Çalık Holding became the only shareholder of BKT.
BKT has always followed its sustainability strategy, which has 3 main pillars: to strengthen its strong deposit base as the “symbol of trust of the country”, focusing on retail and business lending and efficient asset liability management with proper hedging mechanism and strong capital structure to mitigate risks/volatilities and maximize profit not only for BKT, but for the country.
BKT boasts the most extensive range of digital services and card business in the Albanian market and through its cutting-edge technology is substantially leading the digital transformation of the Albanian banking market. Currently BKT serves to approximately 1 million customers, in a wide network of 62 branches, 135 Smart ATMs and 10,000 POS terminals.
With its outstanding performance the bank has been highly evaluated with different prestigious awards on national and international levels.
· “The Best Bank in Albania” at Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States Awards, from EMEA Finance for 13 years
· “The Best Bank in Albania” from The Banker for 12 years
· “The Best Bank in Albania” at the Award for Excellence from Euromoney for 7 years
· “The Best Bank in Albania” at Best Banks in Central and Eastern Europe from Global Finance for 6 years
· ‘’The Best Bank in Albania’’ at Top Southeast Europe Awards from Finance Central Europe, for 4 years.
· ‘’The Most Innovative Bank in CEE & CIS from EMEA Finance for 3 years
BKT is a member of the United Nations organization ‘’Global Compact’’, engaged on implementing the 10 Principles on Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BKT is as well a signatory of Women Empowerment Principles.
Rruga e Vilave, Lunder 1Tirana